Plone Add-ons Demo
This folder contains demo of some popular Plone add-ons.
- Plone Themes
- Demonstration of custom themes that might be activated on this demo Plone site. Examples include premium and free diazo themes from Quintagroup.
- PloneFormGen
- Demonstration of Products.PloneFormGen in use on Plone 4 website. Creation of on-line forms in Plone. Examples of different Plone forms.
- Plone Carousel
- Demonstration of Products.Carousel in use on Plone 4 website. Examples of different carousels on Plone sites.
- Plone Embedly
- Demonstration of collective.embedly package that allows to embed video, images and other rich media files to Plone simply by providing their URL.
- Plone Sliders
- quintagroup.slidertemplates adds several templates: Carousel, Shelf, Vertical and Horizontal Tabs, contentSlider and qgCarousel that can customize information display.