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Plone Add-ons Demo

This folder contains demo of some popular Plone add-ons.
Plone Themes
Demonstration of custom themes that might be activated on this demo Plone site. Examples include premium and free diazo themes from Quintagroup.
Demonstration of Products.PloneFormGen in use on Plone 4 website. Creation of on-line forms in Plone. Examples of different Plone forms.
Plone Carousel
Demonstration of Products.Carousel in use on Plone 4 website. Examples of different carousels on Plone sites.
Plone Embedly
Demonstration of collective.embedly package that allows to embed video, images and other rich media files to Plone simply by providing their URL.
Plone Sliders
quintagroup.slidertemplates adds several templates: Carousel, Shelf, Vertical and Horizontal Tabs, contentSlider and qgCarousel that can customize information display.

Consulting, programming and support services for organizations interested in deploying web solutions with Plone CMS.