Collection for Sliced slider
Customizable text colors
The Sliced Plone Theme design allows to choose main and secondary colors that are used for the design elements throughout all website (content, headers, links, hovering, buttons).
Full-size image: 169 KB |

Customizable panels
Sliced Plone Theme allows to add background image or color for panels. Now you have space to implement your own design ideas.
Full-size image: 185 KB |

Carousel for Sliced theme
Full page width image. Create a collection of images that should be displayed in carousel. Add panel in Portal top location. Apply NG Collection portlet with template named “carousel”. Save changes and your carousel is ready.
Full-size image: 252 KB |

Two columns format
For better readability or design purposes you can divide text on your pages into two columns.
Full-size image: 194 KB |