Domino Theme for Plone

Theme features include Diazo support, device-friendly layout, customizable logo, editable footer, social media links, drop-down menu.

The top header area is reserved for the owner’s logotype. You can easily upload your own Custom Logo so that it definitely will catch visitor’s attention.

Activate the extensions to add features you need: drop-down or mega drop-down menu, custom sliders for collection, panels, multilinguality, and more.

We provide a set of custom social media icons that will help your visitors to find you on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, Linkedin, Reddit, etc.

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Theme styles example

Plone User Interface elements test page

This page lists the common user interface elements that exist in Plone, and shows you how they are rendered. It also tests a couple of common Internet Explorer rendering bugs, so you can see if your changes have triggered any bad behaviour on this front.

Headline h1

And a paragraph

Headline h2

And a paragraph

Headline h3

And a paragraph

Headline h4

And a paragraph

Headline h5

And a paragraph

Headline h6
Example document rendering
The portalMessage class, can also contain links - used to give the user temporary status messages.
The portalMessage 'error' class, can also contain links - used to give the user temporary status messages.
The portalMessage 'warning' class, can also contain links - used to give the user temporary status messages.

Document Headline

by admin last modified May 21, 2010 10:02 AM History
The document description

Normal document body text, strong text, emphasised text, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque odio sem, aliquam ut, suscipit at, aliquet non, justo. Vestibulum vitae urna et mi volutpat luctus. Nulla auctor, lacus ut consectetuer sagittis, erat odio vulputate sapien, eu placerat diam mauris id turpis. Aenean quis ipsum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque rutrum. Sed mattis turpis sit amet ipsum viverra pharetra. Nunc facilisis, augue non dapibus gravida, risus quam vulputate quam, non venenatis dui massa in leo. Maecenas scelerisque dapibus libero. Suspendisse potenti. example Normal internal site link inside a paragraph, example External link to, example Secure (HTTPS) link to, example Mailto link, example FTP link, example NNTP (news) link, example WebCal link, example RSS feed link, example IRC link.

  • Unordered list element 1
    • Unordered list subelement 1
  • Unordered list element 2
  • Unordered list element 3
  1. Ordered list element 1
    1. Ordered list subelement 1
  2. Ordered list element 2
  3. Ordered list element 3
Definition list term
Definition List description, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque odio sem, aliquam ut, suscipit at, aliquet non, justo.
Another Definition List description, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque odio sem, aliquam ut, suscipit at, aliquet non, justo.

Table of class listing

Table headingAnother heading (sortable, click to sort)Fixed column (not sortable)
Odd table item Item 1 Another item
Even table item Item 2 Yet another item
Odd table item Item 3 And one more item

Table of class vertical listing

Table heading Odd table item
Another heading Even table item


Fieldset legend
Text field(Required)
This is the help for this form field. And links are also possible.
Text field with error(Required)
This field is just here to demonstrate an error message.
This is the error message.
This is a checkbox field.
Checkbox with error(Required)
This checkbox field is just here to demonstrate an error message.
This is the error message.
Checkbox without border(Required)
This is a checkbox field.
Checkbox without border with error(Required)
This checkbox field is just here to demonstrate an error message.
This is the error message.
This is a checkbox field.
Radio with error(Required)
This checkbox field is just here to demonstrate an error message.
This is the error message.

Table with form elements

Title with class noborder
Title with class noborder

Collapsible form

New items since
Return items added since you were last logged on, the last week, etc.
Last log-in Yesterday Last week Last month Ever
Return items created by a particular person.
Any Authoradmin

Select All/None

Item type
Return items of a specific type.
Select All/None

Action menu

Action menu title
Menu content

Collapsible section

Collapsable section title
Collapsible section content
13March l February 2025 r
This is Domino Theme